Tuesday, February 20, 2007


If my daughter were still into Britney Spears, she would be the one having a nervous breakdown right now, I can tell ya.
She would freak out at seeing Britney's shorn head. She might even have nightmares.
Thank God, she is over Britney. In all probability and honesty, so are millions of girls who like my daughter lived their pre-teen years loving Britney's image.
Britney was clearly a phase. At least for my daughter. Oh. It was fun while it lasted.
So, question - why did Britney shave her head over the weekend?
A nervous breakdown or a publicity stunt?
Or she simply wanted to "rebel". To do whatever pleases her. Just sending out that message.
Now, if it was a nervous breakdown, could it be because of the persistent hounding, taunting and scrutiny by the merciless entertainment media OR because she is missing that persistent media chase, realising that she is soon going to be a has-been, if she isn't already?
A publicity stunt to revive her fallen singing career?
Rebelling against what is expected of her as an artiste and entertainer?
Or this "aging" pop princess has gone off her rocker? Gone bonkers, and totally freaking out?
I think it is a little of everything.
She is not going mad, that's for sure. Because she still remembered her mom, telling the salon owner Esther Tognozzi (who refused to do the shaving job) that she was quite worried about her mom seeing her new head.
That is still a sign of normalcy, if you ask me.
If it was some attention she was seeking -- well, she sure got it.
Britney, Oh Britney. You have come so far at such a young age. Fame and fortune. Two marriages, two pregnancies.
What's there for you now?
How so many girls wanted to be just like you. The whole Britney package -- talent, looks, fame and fortune.
Now, as the ruthless US media echo, you are famous for just being famous.
I can't tell you how thankful I am that I have never been a pop princess and never had the crazy relentless Press hounding me, day in, day out.
How it must be to not be able to be yourself even in the private company of close friends. Because you never know who'd be "kissing and telling", for a price, of course.
You just can't trust anyone. Certainly, not your ex-husband. Meow.


zewt said...

for a start, i dont think she has any singing career at all. her voice is always enhanced by synthesiser. having said that, ya, i think all teens have their celebrity wannabe phase. mine was NKOTB... hahaha... tells you how old i am!

the witch's broo said...

hi Zewt,

how was the new year celebration?
great, i hope.
aah...britney.. i agree with you..
although i think she is a well-trained dancer.
hmm... NKOTB. still younger than I am.

baggie said...

LOL zewt, I'm an old fan of the 80's too.. :)

britney was my idol when i was in high school. i like her dance move, not her voice, but she was a darling wasnt she. :) it's sad to see her like this right now. again, money and fame cant buy happiness.

the witch's broo said...

hi calvin's girl,

isnt it a pity what's happening to her?
sometimes you wonder whether these celebrities lead normal lives. i think that's why they go a bit mad -- they want it all, yet they want to have the right to walk into a supermarket, buy a loaf of bread, a carton of milk, a pack of cigarettes... like normal people.

Take care CG!