Thursday, December 16, 2010

Don't Worry, It's Not Alzheimer!

It's natural to feel a little uneasy when you forget something, knowing that Alzheimer's disease now afflicts 5.3 million Americans, many still in their 40s and 50s. It's scary, sure. But many bouts of memory loss are simply the result of much more benign situations.

How can you tell the difference? The following five situations point toward normal, age-related memory loss. The best rule of thumb: "If you're concerned, see a specialist," says psychiatrist Gary Small, director of the UCLA Center on Aging and author of several books about memory and cognition, including The Naked Lady Who Stood on Her Head. An evaluation can rule out certain potential causes and often identify reversible ones. (See also Worried About Memory Loss? 5 Signs It's Serious.)

It's probably not serious if: Lapses don't interfere with everyday life.

Everybody forgets stuff. The movie title on the tip of your tongue. The name of the dad on the soccer field. The occasional appointment or lunch date. What the heck you just came in the room to get.

Slowed recall of information from time to time is normal, caused by the naturally aging brain and other lifestyle factors (like trying to cram too many tasks into one day). What's not normal: When memory impairment interferes with your ability to get through the day. Everyday activities tend to rely on many rote steps and require you to remember basic sequences -- which the healthy brain isn't apt to forget.

So it's a reassuring sign if, despite occasional lapses, you can still work, prepare meals, dress yourself, manage your checkbook, pursue hobbies, and read 900-page novels or pursue your other usual hobbies as well as ever without needing help.

Brain training helps
It's probably not serious if: You see an improvement after "brain training."

Dozens of "brain fitness" products now exist, promising to strengthen our synapses and buffer our brainpower. Do they work? So far, there's no evidence that brain games or cognitive training can reverse the memory loss associated with Alzheimer's-related decline, according to a National Institutes of Health panel convened in 2010. But the jury is still out on whether there's a protective effect on healthy brains.

"Our brains naturally compensate for memory loss, and we can help our brains compensate more by learning memory techniques and cognitive techniques," psychiatrist Gary Small says. "If you do some of these techniques and see an improvement, that's a good sign."

Dementia is not so much a problem of retrieving old memories as it is an inability to form new ones. If you can still learn new things, you're forming new memories.

Among the available brain-strengtheners: Software you run on your home computer, classes offered by memory centers, cognitive therapy directed by trained therapists, and do-it-yourself books offering brain teasers and other games.

You've got new meds
It's probably not serious if: You've just started a new medication.

It's always a good idea to consider what else is going on in your life before you get too worried about a fuzzy brain. Drug side effects happen to be one of the more common, unexpected causes of memory trouble.

In fact, among older adults, who are often taking multiple prescriptions and then have an increased risk of dangerous interactions, the problem is so common that some geriatricians believe that any new symptom should be considered a medication side effect until proven otherwise.

Medications known to cause short-term memory loss include antianxiety drugs and sedatives (Xanax, Valium, Ambien), heartburn drugs (Tagamet, Pepcid), incontinence drugs (Detrol or Ditropan), cholesterol drugs (Lipitor) and some statins for high cholesterol, and antidepressants. A complete list numbers in the high dozens; always check with your doctor or pharmacist, especially if you've recently started a new prescription or have had the dosage changed.

You're the only one who's worried
It's probably not serious if: Nobody else seems to notice anything's amiss.

It's true that people might be noticing you're slipping but not saying anything to protect your feelings. But usually, there's a lot of family friction around memory loss that predates a diagnosis, says University of Wisconsin geriatric psychiatrist Ken Robbins. You find yourself in arguments over who neglected to do something, missed appointments, forgotten messages, or lost drivers. Family members may criticize or complain about mistakes before there's a diagnosis of something serious like dementia.

Eventually, this adds up to relatives often making a dementia diagnosis informally themselves, and being right. A 2010 study at the University of Washington School of Medicine in St. Louis found that family and friends tend to be able to spot the early warning signs of Alzheimer's disease even better than traditional screening tests and high-tech measures. They notice symptoms like repetitive stories or questions, social apathy, and changes in the person's ability to independently conduct everyday life (work, cooking, money management).

But if you're all still just teasing and joking over occasional slips -- think of Nora Ephron titling her new book I Remember Nothing -- odds are good nobody's alarmed yet.

You're stressed
It's probably not serious if: You're forgetful when stressed, sleep deprived, or multitasking.

Before you blame the worker (you), consider the workload. A stressed brain is not the same as a demented one.

Doing two or more things at once taxes the brain. No surprise there. Neuroimaging studies have shown that you're not really attending to several things at once. You're switching your attention from one to another, which means when you're attending to one thing, you're not really attending to the others in bursts lasting milliseconds. Result: short-term memory loss.

The challenge is especially hard if you're using the same part of the brain -- for example, using language centers to talk on the phone, read onscreen, and type at the same time.

Insufficient sleep is another common brain stressor, because that's when the brain processes and organizes memories for later retrieval. General stress, too, affects memory when increased cortisol production temporarily interferes with normal brain cell communication

People with early dementia, on the other hand, tend to forget regardless of whether they're sleeping well or poorly, busy or slow at work, stressed or unstressed.

Monday, October 25, 2010

First Lady Rosmah. So What's The Problem?

First of all, I so apologize for not blogging. I've been such a twitfreak that I've forgotten I had a blog. Oh yez! I have a blog, haven't I?

Now, I want to say that I've been so dying to blog about our PM's wife, Datin Seri Rosmah.

I do not know her, ok!

I only hear gossipy things about her.

Now, I am not an idiot. And let me tell you, that I can be a biatch, y'know! But I am a fair-minded biatch. I play fair. I don't bitch about people I no nothing of. Which means I may not knwo them but I know of their antics and exploits. So I am game.

With dear Rosmah. Sorry, I do not know her. All I know is that so many people dislike, despise, resent, are contemptuous of, her.

Why? Some of them don't even know her. And if they know her, well -- all I can say is that she has very nasty friends and acquaintances!

What she has is a whole perception of her in the mind and psyche of Malaysians.

Whatever good she does, well, those who menyampah, her will say she's doing bad.

It doesn't help that the Pakatan people are runnign her down so brutally, reminding all Malaysians that she had something to do with (Mongolian model/temptress and Razak Baginda's mistress/2nd wife) Altantuya's murder.

Unless, we all know -- and I mean really know -- facts other than what's presented in court, then all I can say is that, they've got the killers, haven't they?

And for as long as I can remember, people are jabbing her about being called "First Lady".

Frankly, it deosn't matter to me. Tun Siti Hasmah and the late Tun Endon were called "First Lady".

What I understand of the term "First Lady" is that it's not confined to wives of Presidents. It is for the wife of teh chief executive of the country. For instance, in Malaysia -- technically, the Queen is the First Lady. But, the PM is the chief executive. So, his wife is the First Lady.

But I suppose, if you hate someone so much, you'd flog the horse, even if it's already dead.

Now, let's take a look. Why do people hate Rosmah?

1. She's physically disproportionate to Najib's physique?

2. She's not Najib's first wife?

3. She's intelligent?

4. She's powerful? (really?)

5. She's over made-up?

6. She loves designer over-the-top high-end stuff?

7. She gets to be called First Lady?

8. She gets to travel overseas with Najib?



I'd really like to hate her....but I dunno....she's doing good stuff.

AAAAH...perhaps, that's why....

Rosmah is doing good stuff and she should NOT! She should walk 10 steps behind her husband and shut her mouth up. And....neither seen nor heard!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

American Idol : Lee Meets Crystal

I knew it! I mean everyone who has been following "American Idol" must have predicted that Lee DeWyze and Crystal Bowersox will be the top two in this competition.

Like Duuh!

I mean -- puhleeze -- they're the best!

If good-lookin' Casey James had managed to get the cougars and babes on his side, then it would be a slaughter for him in the finals because, he'd be easy meat for either Lee or Crystal. By which time Casey's voters would have got some sense knocked into them -- it's about TALENT too, y'know!

I mean, Casey's so deliciously good-lookin' and all that but at the end of it, you want the Idol to be someone who deserves the place!

Casey...well, Casey honey, go to the next Hollywood studio and try to arm-twist a beefy role in some TV series. Glee? How I Met Your Mother? CSI ...whatever?

Hell, you don't need to arm twist.

Just show off that bod of yours and that flashing smile, and you'd get that juicy, er, I mean, plum role. I swear.
You oughta be a movie/TV star.
Your guitar playin' and your okay singin' -- added advantage!

Anywayz, folks, here's the story:

Crystal Bowersox and Lee DeWyze will battle each other for the "American Idol" title next week after guitarist Casey James was voted off by viewers on Wednesday.

Bowersox, a 24-year-old dreadlocked mom, had for months seemed certain to win the top-rated TV singing show. But DeWyze, 23, who worked as a paintshop clerk in Chicago before auditioning for the show last year, has gained steadily in confidence.

His performance of Leonard Cohen's classic "Hallelujah" on Tuesday stunned the judges and brought the "Idol" studio audience to its feet.

Click HERE for the rest of the story!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Kelantan Palace Saga

Like everyone else, I am still trying to figure out what the hell is going on between the princes of the Kelantan palace.

I can guess. Power struggle?

Someone wants to be Ruler real fast?

A great effort is being done to make sure the Sultan remains weak and not-in-control.
Older son trying to fix the younger son who is trying to fix older son back. Accompanying plot invloves the Sultanah who is in cahoots with the younger son and then there is the council of whatever.

And then there is the second wife of the Sultan. Not to mention the Pas government who is pretending not to be involevd but I bet it is very much involved.

There are extras in this movie. Too many.

It is so ugly. Never have I witnessed anything like this involving the raja-raja Melayu in my life time, so far.

Very odd. But this is one sandiwara I do not look forward to seeing. I cringe everytime I think of what is going to happen next.

This is just not good.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Ooh. Simon's getting Married or Not?

Let me be honest.

Many people hate Simon Cowell. Well, I don't.

Okay. At first, on the outset, he did come across as a stinger. You know, a brutal maniacal son-of-a-bitch when he dished out his harsh brand of criticisms of American Idol hopefuls.

But, after that you realized that he was talling those contestants the Godawful truth about their lack of talent.

And come on...those who were lambasted were really no good. Most deserved Simon's brutal honesty! If only to save them from further embarrassment and hurt!

Most times, since American Idol 3 (I kinda didn't follow the first 2), I had found myself agreeing with Simon.

Let's face it, those kids (with very very few exceptions) who got through were really sweet American kids. No different from our kids here. Polite and decent kids.

Some of those whom Simon threw out were either stupid, arrogant, stupid or arrogant.

More importantly, as I find myself "liking" Simon for his in-your-face honesty, I realized something about this guy. He likes animals and children...

Yeah. That is one mega redeeming quality about him.

Man, you can win me over easily when you are kind and sweet to animals and kids.

Several times, he showed his gentle side in AI auditions...

Anyway...I digress.

What I want to know is -- is my man, Simon getting hitched?

As of now, it is still a rumor.

So, is it truemon Cowell's mum has said she wants to see her son get married and settle down.

It's been abuzz that Simon, 50, is going to wed his new girlfriend, make-up artist Mezhgan Hussainy, 36, and there have been rumours about them getting engaged.

A UK newspaper reported that his mum Julie, 84, would like to see Simon "with the right woman".

She told the Sun: 'I feel, as a mother, and like all parents do, that when their sons get to a certain age, particularly 50, we want to see them settled with a good woman.

'I could never really see Simon being committed like he is now. I would never have imagined that he would get married.'

Friday, February 5, 2010

Can I F***k You?

This, I fear, is going to be evrybody's favourite pick-up line, if it is not one already!

In case you're blur, this was purportedly Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's line to Saiful Bukhari Azlan in happier times when they (allegedly) had sexual relations.

All the sordid details are in the on-going court case.

I don't know what to make of all this. Whatever it is, it is so unsavoury. So yukky to be following. Sure, some people can laugh and make a joke of it, but I somehow can't find humor in all this.

The conspiracy theories aside -- here is a young man, (Saiful, 25 years old) who is saying that prime minister wannabe Anwar (62 years old) had sexual relations. Rather, Anwar had been sodomising him.

Very unpleasant details. And the truth, whatever it is, is more unpleasant.

Only Allah SWT, Anwar and Saiful know the truth.

If it is true that Anwar did do all those things to Saiful, then Anwar is not fit to be a leader.

If it is not true, it shows Saiful to be a liar. But why would he tell the world such lies, we'd be wondering. The truth of that may even be worse.

So, whatever is the truth, it is ugly. Meanwhile, everyone's making a joke of "can I f...k you?".

Only God can save the day!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Ya Allah! Ya Allah! Ya Allah!

Everyone's getting emotional over this -- Muslims and non-Muslims alike.
Are we surprised?
Aaaw...come one! You know this is going to be EXPLOSIVE, to borrow Datuk Seri Shahrizat Jalil's word.

You mean when you insist on using the word "Allah" in your newsletter by taking the government to court, you think people are not going to be incensed?

You must be so naive.

I have been reading this whole business in the newspapers and the blogs. Everyone's getting so emotional and regurgitating all the Quranic verses here there and everywhere.

You get Marina Mahathir calling Muslims who are against the High Court decision to allow the Catholic Herald to use "Allah" in their publication, "idiots" and confused and whatever whatever.

I think she should not be judgmental.

If you are smart, you WILL know that there are not-so-normal people among us with not-so-normal thinking. If you know what I mean.

Whether or not there are people who will be confused by non-Muslims, in this case, Christians, using the word "Allah", in bibles and their literature, remains to be seen.

For certain, there is unhappiness. And that will not ease.

Confusion, perhaps.

People cite the examples in the Arab countries and in Sabah and Sarawak.

PUH-LEEZ. Don't tell me you need to be told that in the Arab countries, they speak Arabic and a person called "Muhammad" could be a Christian. They have used the word "Allah" for centuries -- so we have been told -- we, in Peninsular Malaysia, have not. And for good reason. Isn't it in our federal constitution that something like this should be avoided because of our peculiarly mixed ethnic and religious composition and the fact and reality that the Malays are Muslims (although this is changing.)

And talking about peninsular peculiarity -- Did we all know that the Christians in Sabah and Sarawak call God "Allah"? No. At least not until 10 or 15 years ago when we began to be intimated with out brothers and sisters in Sabah and Sarawak.

Even if the federal government of Malaysia had known Allah was/is being used, there's little that it can and should do.

Let it be, I think is the mantra. Why?

Because in Sabah and Sarawak, the natives speak Malay. The Iban and Dayak languages are very similar to Malay. So, if you want to convert the natives, you better know Malay.

And that was what the Christian missionaries had to know, and so they learned Bahasa Melayu. . Yes. Malay. And this language was used to convert the natives.

But that's history.

In fact, the Sabahans would tell you that Sunday classes and sermons there have been conducted in Malay. But I doubt if it was or is being done all the time.

And while people claim that "Allah" has always been used in Sabah and Sarawak, I doubt it is being used all the time.

I know that "Allah" was never used in sermons in KL, PJ or elsewhere in the peninsular.
Hell...I think the word scares Christians.

So, why in heaven's name does the Catholic Herald want to use it in its newsletter?

I am soooo susssspicious.....

Don't you dare blame me!

Friday, January 1, 2010

HAPPY 2010!

This will be an amazing year, I am sure.

Great things will be happening.

So, let me wish everyone great and splenderful things!