Sunday, February 18, 2007


Does love get stronger with time or does it fade and slowly but surely dissipate into thin air as though it was never there in the first place?
I'd like to think that love does get stronger, unflagging, solid, unshakeable and unchallenged with time.
How could it not be? Does love not grow bigger and bigger as a relationsip progresses?
Are we not in control of the way love is and should be? Or is this just so impossible?
Is "forever and ever" just a romantic myth that is and should be uttered in love and romance stories in books and movies, and never in the real world?
Funny thing, I had never taken any interest in romance novels. I leapt from classics, Enid Blyton, Sadlers Wells et al to Hemingway, DH Lawrence, John Le Carre and Nadine Gordimer.
Most of the other girls would get the latest Denise Robbins or Barbara Cartland from the book store while I'd go for dad's library and grab something else like, say, "Far from the Madding Crowd".
I envied their amazing sense of elation and empathy as they got involved in the drama and intrigue, in the heroes and heroines.
I too wanted to have that feeling so I could share their experience.
But it evaded me, even as I attempted to read these novels.
Unfortunately, we -- these books and I --never got on a good start.
Oh, I am not pooh-poohing these novels. The elements of love and romance are integral in books written by some of the great authors of our time. There is no doubt about that.
But, until today, I cannot explain why I am unable to enjoy a Barbara Cartland book.
Yet, I am all for good old fashioned love and romance.
I am a bona-fide sucker for commitment and devotion.
And I would therefore want love to be "forever and ever".
My question is -- is that too much to ask? Meow


zewt said...

of everyone wants to have 'forever and ever' in their lives. just have to work hard on it, and hope the other party reciprocate in the way that's intended.

oh, why is your archieve on the sidebar starts retrospectively... always show the posts for jan only... maybe you should change that a bit.

Shanghai Fish said...

I notice you post at 5.06am...thats a pretty unearthly time to be up and about. Anyways you must have your reason I'm sure. But comming back to your post- Yes ,love does grow bigger and bigger as a relationship progresses... and the key word here is "progress". and this will take to the opposite direction once there is no "progress" and then you'd feel like a love-slave living in a romance book.Call it 'familiarity' or 'mundane'or even 'unchallenged'..or whatever !Once the initial spark smothers thats when reality sets ..Yes broo..keep things alive... never take a person for granted... by that I don't mean suffocate that person with your attention... give a little space too. ! Happy reading... thats called 'escapism' from this real world!

the witch's broo said...

hi zewt,
i am always hoping, bro, that the other party reciprocates ...

on my archives.. thanks.. i think i have adjusted it after you pointed it out to me..
its ok now...i think.

mr shanghaistephen,
hey hey hey...
what can i say?
i will be mindful of yr , er, er gentle reminder.