Tuesday, February 26, 2008

You Mean Nobody Ever Told

the Prime Minister that his son-in-law is his biggest liability?

You mean he has to be told that it's not on to have your son-in-law drop your name everywhere to get ahead?

And those ECM Libra shares. Ouch!

Oh dear.

Stupid is as stupid does.


Pak Zawi said...

He already knew about it only that he pretends not to know so that he can get the agenda done, then he will tell the world that he doesn't know again and blame everyone else for not telling him.
He wont dare to see his beloved daughter become a widow if his SIL dont get his wish.

Anonymous said...

Pssst, Witch,

Don't tell anyone but Pak Lah is NOT running the country. His biggest liability is.

the witch's broo said...


we have a very very unqualfied prime minister.

the witch's broo said...
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the witch's broo said...

psst, mustang,

i know.