Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Oh, The Asian Blondes..

I don't get it. Why do you need to colour your hair BLONDE and wear the skimpiest top and the tightest pants just because you have a Mat Salleh on your arm?
I'm kind of a people-watcher so I do notice things.
I was at Bangsar Village having lunch at Bakerzine with Antonio and I saw, no fewer than eight mixed couples -- all Mat Salleh GUYs with either a Malay or Indian partner/wife.
I mean, I'm all for mixed marriages or mixed relationships. Makes for a better world, I always say.
I ain't complaining. Just an observation -- the Mat Salleh guys would be themselves, of course. Mat Salleh.
But their Asian girlfriend or wife would most certainly have blonde or light brunette coloured hair and would be wearing -- well, they might as well not be wearing anything.
Ok ok. That is so exaggerated. But really, these silly women more often than not, would be in very skimpy tops.

That used to baffle me.
Ok. So I lied.
I do get it.
I do know why these silly women have undergone such a make-over to make them look closer to their partner.

They have to re-assure their Mat Salleh partner that they're going with HIS flow. That they do want to be a Mat Salleh.
Like as though saying : sorry, darling for my flat nose but that makes me oh-so exotic, don't it and that's why you fell in love with me.
Or sorry, for my dusky skin.

You can repair that flat nose. Perhaps even lighten your skin.
Better -- dye that hair of yours so you can really look like a Mat Salleh.
At least from the back.
You see, I did a little research. It's not conclusive but it has kinda explained to me why these women would want to look more Mat Salleh than a Mat Salleh.

Yeah. They try so hard, it's pathetic.

I figure that it's like this.
More often than not, these girls are not from well-to-do families so when they've snared a Mat Salleh, they're not about to let him go.
You know, the promise of a better life....
So -- they'll do all it takes to keep their Orang Putih love.

Of course, this is a generalisation.
There are very independent and secure women who have fallen in love with foreigners (read:Mat Salleh).
But strange, these women (some of whom I know personally), don't try to be any different than they were before they met their partners.

For other women not like them -- all that it takes. All that it takes to keep their man.


zorro said...

Just being naughty.....betcha, not dyed blond everywhere!!!!!
Interesting piece, yours I mean. Cheers.....so you are in KL....join us for MRT...mee rebus on tuesday...antonio welcome...but no blonds allowed.

the witch's broo said...


oh...you cannot dye your pubic hair. no chemical allowed near the pubic area, sir.

so...when they're naked, you see them blonde on top of their head and BLACK pubic hair there!

so not nautral, huh?

At last I'm very natural. Au Naturale..

the witch's broo said...


sorry. the word is NATURAL not nautral. wrong tap of the key.

I've read about it in the top heavyweight blogs.

So shy.

I'm a nobody.

Next time, sir.
Thank you for the invitation.

zorro said...

Topheavy bloggers at MRT, not true sayang....only like-minded bloggers...or and we do disagree with each other between slurping up the mee rebus...do come....with antonio.

au Naturale....means naked, no?

yes i am aware that gods little niche must never be chemically laced.
Much cheeerrrrssssss.

Pak Zawi said...

Its nice to go to MRT. I am a nobody and yet I felt welcomed there. Meet the lovely host Kak Ton and her hubby Abang Ruslani and you will forget that you just know them. They are the perfect host. Psst..I brought my whole clan there. Read my take on the MRT and you will know what I mean.

the witch's broo said...

zorro & zawi:

thank you for the most tempting invite.
i will certainly think about this,
Iam usually out of town or out of the country.
in fact, I do spend a chunk of the year out of the country.

thanks again. definitely tempting.

and Zawi, you're not a nobody.