Thursday, November 29, 2007

All That Love....

Tell me....would you allow your spouse or partner to have a very close...closer than close....relationship with someone of the opposite sex?

You close that he never ever tells you what's been going on.
They're so close that you can't be blamed for thinking they've had sex.
And then, you start suspecting that they've had sex. That's for sure.
And then you imagine that they really must have had sex.

Wonky imagination. Damn!


Anonymous said...


Well, you know the drill, there is no such close friendship between the opposite sex.

Of course I have plenty of good male friends. But never to close Sister...

Then again, what do I know?

the witch's broo said...


i know, i know...

exactly my point.
and oh... you know many things, sister...

take care!

zorro said...

Are we talking spouse-swapping here? Orgies do occur, but spouse-swapping maybe...little maybe, but not registered on ritchers scale yet.
way to go girls!

the witch's broo said...

oh dear, zorro,

no...we're not talking about wive-swapping, sir...

Anonymous said...

Honestly Sister, I keep asking myself (after repeatedly reading this post of yours) how do you dran the line then?

the witch's broo said...


sis...there is a clear line drawn. very little difference in female-female friendship and male-female friendship...the only thing being that while a lot of things are ok between females, there are certian things that are a no-no between females and males. however, i know of some people who have had great, very close very open friendship with the opposite sex.

the line, my dear, is something only you and your male friend know, and will define.
only you and your male friend know whether it is a friendship or more than that.

till today, antonio has denied his "relationship" with a certain female.
this female calls him "darling" ever so often in their emails. how do i know...well, someone close to her who happen to be close to me has seen that email, in fact several emails.

there was something intimate between antonio and me, we'd end our smses with "woof woof" and "meow". haha... funny, eh? but it was between us. i never used them on anyone.
But, he did...with and to her. how did i know... i saw the email.

never mind the motive of our common friend for telling.

the messenger might have suck..but the message?
did it matter how i knew if it really did happen?

antonio was mad with himself for having been found out.
of course, he denied.
maybe there was nothing. maybe there was something.

well, the line is that you do not do what you do with your spouse/partner with your male friend.

Pak Zawi said...

I know of too many such tales so I cant say it didn't happen. Take my word, it happens all the time. What more if its among unmarried 'spouses'. Discretion is the only solution. Ignorance is bliss.
Loneliness can bring a man to the wall and nothing is sacred anymore just hoping that the other party wouldnt know.

tony -stand-up philosopher said...

Hi WB,
There was a little boy and a little girl. The boy told the girl I'll give you my BEST marbles if you will give me your BEST sweets. They agreed. The night before the exchange, the boy kept 2 of his BEST marbles and the next day exchanged the rest with the girl for her BEST sweets. That night, the boy could not sleep a wink thinking Did she give me her BEST sweets.
If we have not crossed the line, chances are our spouse may not have. If we have thought of crossing the line, we will think whether our spouse had crossed the line.

J.T. said...

Allowing is one thing. Whether the partner listens is another issue altogether. I don't think we will ever be able to control another person 100%.

I believe men and women can be friends but never very close without crossing that dangerous line - in thoughts and/or deeds. ;)

the witch's broo said...


i agree, sir. i do agree.
thank you for that gem of wisdom.

thanks again. appreciate it.

the witch's broo said...

we all hope that our spouse or partner has not crossed the line.

no... we all wish he or she has not.
thank you, anthonio for that little story.

the witch's broo said...


i used to believe in so many things. things i grew up knowing to be right and acceptable.
and then, my aunt's husband had an affair with her best friend. that was in the 60s.
my world came crushing down. that was after my aunt's world came crushing down. my aunt almost killed herself. if you asked me, i'd kill her husband. and then her best friend.
thanks JT for visiting.

zewt said...

nope... shouldn be allowed to... prevention better than cure... dont you think so?

the witch's broo said...


so agree with you!