Friday, July 27, 2007

"There's nothing worth the wear of winning
But laughter and the love of friends."

You think so? Someone said one loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives.
Wow! That says a lot about the worth and value of friendship.

Have a great weekend! But don't sleep too much cos you'll miss seeing the world passing by.


Anonymous said...

good and loyal friends a few and far between.
very hard to find. but when you have them, they're the best...

the witch's broo said...


true. nothing like a latte and spilling your troubles with a good and loyal friend. a panacea.

J.T. said...

You will know who your friends are in bad times. Those are the ones whose weight of friendship is worth more than gold.

Time and again, I have found that I could depend on friends more. I don't doubt there are some relatives who will be there through thick and thin but friends were foremost in my life.

flaminglambo said...

very true.

i trust my best friends with my life. relatives tend to blab to other relatives.

the witch's broo said...

JT: I feel the same.. and it's been proven true .

FLambo: i know i know....and you can't choose your relatives. sheeesh.