Saturday, March 10, 2007


Is the man you're marrying your soul mate?
If he is, does that mean you'd have a good marriage, one that lasts and lasts, forever and ever?
I've always thought that if I'd want to marry someone, he's got to be my soul mate because we'd understand each other so well that we would get everything right most times.
He'd know what would hurt me and I'd know what would hurt him.
That would be a damn good foundation for a marriage.
But, wait.... can someone tell me what a soul mate is? My own definition is that of someone who knows my soul, someone I feel so connected to.......
Read more about soulmates. Perhaps you will find your definition somewhere there. Meow.


zewt said...

firstly, a soulmate is someone whom you are WILLING to share the rest of your life with, and that person must share the same passion. once both make a decision to do so.... i guess the rest is a matter of effort.

and naturally, if you are willing to share the rest of your life with someone, he or she must be someone whom you have 'chemistry' with... chemistry is important.

me and my gf have the best chemistry... we can just lie down and talk cock the whole day... as stupid as it may sound... it's very lovely.

the witch's broo said...


i couldnt have said that better.

and your girlfriend sure is a lucky woman!

Keropok said...

I'm a fortunate man. I married my soulmate. We're very happy together, nasty fights notwithstanding.

Yes, I believe in love!

the witch's broo said...


you both are lucky....