Monday, February 12, 2007


Happy Valentine. I hope you have a great Valentine's Day. Sigh, sigh, sigh.
I won't have my Antonio with me tomorrow (February 14). I am not in town. Away for business.
So, No Antonio to celebrate Valentine's Day with. Drats!
But I shouldn't really complain. Everyday is Valentine's Day for us, anyway.
Sometimes, we even forget it is Valentine's Day, and have to remind each other when we see all those Valentine's Day promotions all over the city.
But, it never really matter if we forget.
It's not the same like forgetting birthdays or anniversaries. Now, that's a sin punishable by death.
These past few years, Valentine's Day is like any other day.
It comes and goes before either of us could say "happy val...".
Let's face it. Valentine's Day is really for the young -- teens-in-love, the young-in-love.
There's a lot more kick you get out of Valentine's Day when you are er er.. younger.
You reach a point in your life when symbols are unimportant. Substance over form is what I go for.
Actually, I did remind Antonio that we won't be together on Valentine's Day.
He was actually, very genuinely surprised and asked "oh, when is that?"
He didn't even realise that Valentine's Day is February 14. That, or he was putting on an act.
"Oh, don't worry, love..... you're my Valentine everyday".
Did that sound mushy or did I fall for it, hook, line and sinker?
Oh, well. That's the love of my life talking.
Happy Valentine, everyone. Meow.


zewt said...

Happy valentine to you too!! May you and Antonio continue to have valentines 24/7!

the witch's broo said...

hi zewt,

thank you. and happy valentine to you too.....

baggie said...

Happy St.Valentine's to you dear~! May those cute cupids strike their arrows on you and Mr.Banderas everyday... *smile* Have a pleasant Valentine...

the witch's broo said...

hi divina_evelina

Oooh.... i think i got struck by those little arrows. Again and again.
Thank you, Divina_evelina. Must have been your "divine" wish for me.
and hope today will be a wonderful St Valentine's Day for you and for all those you love!!

flaminglambo said...

I totally agree that V day is more suitable for some people. Like the young, single, etc. My wife and I haven't been celebrating Valentine's day for ages. I think the last time I did anything on Valentine's Day was when I was courting her.

flaminglambo said...

Oh btw, Happy Valentine's Day.

I don't think I'm getting lucky tonight. It's a weekday. Hahahahaha! *wink* *wink*

baggie said...

Happy Chinese New Year and have a fun one... :), wish you early coz i wont be blogging for a while during CNY...


baggie said...

ooh btw, divina was me, dunno why my old nick popped out.. (=_+)"

the witch's broo said...

hi calvin girl,
and calvin's girl by any other name is just as sweet.
have a happy chinese new year too.
will miss your postings then.

hey flaminglambo,
does it mean the magic's all gone then for folks like us?
no way, jose.
the fire's still burning -- in my belly, in my heart and sometimes in my head.
and what a bummer -- a weekday! wink wink..
hope you got lucky, anyways..