Thursday, February 18, 2010

Ooh. Simon's getting Married or Not?

Let me be honest.

Many people hate Simon Cowell. Well, I don't.

Okay. At first, on the outset, he did come across as a stinger. You know, a brutal maniacal son-of-a-bitch when he dished out his harsh brand of criticisms of American Idol hopefuls.

But, after that you realized that he was talling those contestants the Godawful truth about their lack of talent.

And come on...those who were lambasted were really no good. Most deserved Simon's brutal honesty! If only to save them from further embarrassment and hurt!

Most times, since American Idol 3 (I kinda didn't follow the first 2), I had found myself agreeing with Simon.

Let's face it, those kids (with very very few exceptions) who got through were really sweet American kids. No different from our kids here. Polite and decent kids.

Some of those whom Simon threw out were either stupid, arrogant, stupid or arrogant.

More importantly, as I find myself "liking" Simon for his in-your-face honesty, I realized something about this guy. He likes animals and children...

Yeah. That is one mega redeeming quality about him.

Man, you can win me over easily when you are kind and sweet to animals and kids.

Several times, he showed his gentle side in AI auditions...

Anyway...I digress.

What I want to know is -- is my man, Simon getting hitched?

As of now, it is still a rumor.

So, is it truemon Cowell's mum has said she wants to see her son get married and settle down.

It's been abuzz that Simon, 50, is going to wed his new girlfriend, make-up artist Mezhgan Hussainy, 36, and there have been rumours about them getting engaged.

A UK newspaper reported that his mum Julie, 84, would like to see Simon "with the right woman".

She told the Sun: 'I feel, as a mother, and like all parents do, that when their sons get to a certain age, particularly 50, we want to see them settled with a good woman.

'I could never really see Simon being committed like he is now. I would never have imagined that he would get married.'

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