Friday, February 5, 2010

Can I F***k You?

This, I fear, is going to be evrybody's favourite pick-up line, if it is not one already!

In case you're blur, this was purportedly Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's line to Saiful Bukhari Azlan in happier times when they (allegedly) had sexual relations.

All the sordid details are in the on-going court case.

I don't know what to make of all this. Whatever it is, it is so unsavoury. So yukky to be following. Sure, some people can laugh and make a joke of it, but I somehow can't find humor in all this.

The conspiracy theories aside -- here is a young man, (Saiful, 25 years old) who is saying that prime minister wannabe Anwar (62 years old) had sexual relations. Rather, Anwar had been sodomising him.

Very unpleasant details. And the truth, whatever it is, is more unpleasant.

Only Allah SWT, Anwar and Saiful know the truth.

If it is true that Anwar did do all those things to Saiful, then Anwar is not fit to be a leader.

If it is not true, it shows Saiful to be a liar. But why would he tell the world such lies, we'd be wondering. The truth of that may even be worse.

So, whatever is the truth, it is ugly. Meanwhile, everyone's making a joke of "can I f...k you?".

Only God can save the day!


zewt said...

why would he tell such a lie? hmmm... it's amazing what money can do to you...

the witch's broo said...


beats me...

Anonymous said...

At least Anwar asked, if that Saifool is to be believed. The BN Govt has been sodomising the country for 50 years without even asking!

Oh, I forgot - itu Government punya!