Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Oh Antonio!

Oh, my darling....did you have to lie over something so small?
I know you were in touch with this woman who is really not someone I'd be worried about.
I know because she told me. And you had to lie...
Why? Were you so afraid that I'd be jealous?
Or, you had plans to....take her to bed?
I'm so disappointed, my darling Antonio.
And I am so sorry that you are such a ball-less liar.

I had been giving you some room...now I really cannot trust you. You are not worthy of my love, my trust and my respect.

I asked you casually....and with a straight face (though I could not see as we were on the phone but I'd imagine you wearing that straight face, unflinching). you said "no...". No, you had not been in touch with this woman and made a swift change of topic.

Didn't you know that I would have already been in contact with her and she had told me that she had been in touch with you about her "working visit" to Malaysia?
You dumbass.

You're an asshole, Antonio.

You've always been an asshole and a liar, my darling Antonio.

Remember how you denied your liaison with that (younger) woman in 2004 -- 2005.
You were carrying on, flirting in your email with her.
You so wanted to know how I knew. Did that matter?
Someone showed me your little indiscretion -- you know those email exchanges.
A friend of hers who happens to know me well.

You lied about her then, and you lied about this woman.

So, ladies...here's a piece of advice.
Never ever ask your husband/lover if they had ever slept with anyone else or had ever been unfaithful.
They will NEVER EVER tell you the truth. NEVER.

If you can stomache the truth or just for the heck of it to satisfy your suspicion, do your own little investigation, like me.
I am lucky, most times, the information comes to me by chance. Always, a coincidence.

I have found out many little things about Antonio.
He can't fool me.
Hah! I even know where he does what!

Oh, Antonio. What an assshole you are!
Now I can never ever trust you. And that's not good, for you.


Anonymous said...

hi witch,

why don't you just leave the bastard.
i know this type of guys. they're incurable liars. they lie about small things. so can you imagine the big things.
it's true. you should never ask you lover/husband anything that you do not want to hear.
besides, he'll never tell you the truth. this is a disease with men.
but we should not be silly or naive to expect honesty from them. it's the way they are.
so why don't you leave this son-of-a-bitch. he adds nothing to your life. and you deserve better.
you'll end up a bitter person.

just my thoughts.

take care.

and leave him!

the witch's broo said...
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the witch's broo said...


because. stupidly, i still love him.
i reckon, one day when i have had enough, i'd just pack up and go. and when i do, i'll be sure to be totally detached so that i will feel nothing for him so that i can pray for his ruin and destruction without any guilt or remorse.

after i leave him, i'll have no qualms about doing many things..to him.

haha...hell knows no fury like a witch scorned.

Anonymous said...

hey ! not all men are like that!,i could say the same thing to the women species.i tell the truth ,period!

the witch's broo said...

anon 1:24AM<

of course...there are women like that. and not all men are like antonio.

cheers and ciao!

Anonymous said...

may i comment on anon1:24AM's comment?

Sir -- there are bad apples in every barrel.
there are women who are unfaithful to their partners. of course.
but that's no excuse!

witch was just talking about Antonio. And about her advice to never ask a man whether he's unfaithful, it certainly extends to men as well.

so this world is a crappy place where men supposedly committed to their women fucks around, just for the hek of it, just for fun, just to satisfy themselves or their ego.

antonio, i'm sorry, witch, is a first-class bastard when it comes to staying on course, on beign faithful.

i don't know whether you are a strong woman or whether you are a stupid woman (sorry).

i hope i'll never find a man like antonio. chances are i will because good men are few and far between.
antonio must be good in other ways, for i see you are an intelligent woman and you must love him -- warts and all.
but i can feel your anger and your bitterness not os much at antonio but at the fact that you are not able to react in he way you wish -- like leaving him.,
your love for him is too strong.

personally, it is so easy to tell you to leave him....

Anonymous said...

Ms Broo,

why are women so angry over something so small.

sure sure...antonio didnt tell you about this woman who's coming over from abroad.
did you ever think that to him it is so trivial and that he knows you only too well, that you'd get upset if he was in touch with her?

you have no proof that he's slep with any other woman, witch.
you have decided that antonio is dishonest based on your suspicion and, your conjectures.

he was honest with you and was probably telling you the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help hi God.

But you chose not to believe him.

Give him a break and be fair to him.

there must be someting in the man for him to still stay true and faithful to him.

my advice, witch: you seem like a woman any man would want to have by his side - your loyalty and fidelity.
but you paranoia may be you won little enemy.
so...get rid of that all-consuming mistrust.

take care.

zorro said...

witch, I am sorry, really I am.

the witch's broo said...

zorro dear,

that's really sweet of you.

and thank you...but it sure aint the end of the world.

and we have to live and let live.


the witch's broo said...


yep.. thats always the case...
i suppose when you're not the one.

take care

the witch's broo said...


i don't think i am paranoid.

thank you for commentn

J.T. said...

Hi Witch

You know you have choices in life, right?
You can choose to stand by your man or you can stop taking what he is dishing out. He may be wrong or he may be right, that is not the question here (not what I am trying to get at).
It is whether you are happy where you are. I know it is not easy but we always have a choice of what we want to do with a situation.

I am sorry that you are going through this but I hope you find your answer.

the witch's broo said...

Hi JT,

how are you? How's life?

Thanks for coming in...
yes....we all have choices. My choices differ everyday depending on the situation or what's happening..

i appreciate your "advice"...
take care..

flaminglambo said...

Hahahaha. Antonio got caught. Again! I hope he's not a salesman. Man! He sucks bad at keeping things away from you. Total disgrace to the male species. Hey, that's good for you broo.

If I were Antonio, I'd say the reason why I'd lie about it is for the fear of what you're feeling right now.

To be honest, I've been in the same predicament. Only difference is, I was not caught. It's just out of convenience really.

I went out for a drink to reminisce about old times and to talk about mutual acquaintances with a girl that I had a huge crush on in high school. My then gf knew about my crush on her (the girl did not) but of course that was ancient history. Nothing happened, it was like old friends catching up but if she knew about it, I know that she'd expect a second by second written report of the meeting the minute I get back for analysis by her and her friends. Then, comes the interrogation to fact check and maybe smell me all over for perfume or whether I smell like sex. After that comes the torture of hearing that I went out with my alleged ex. and 'doing god knows what' if we ever had an argument. It's stored in PERMANENT memory. Permanent! One might as well commit the crime if one had known one is guilty anyway.

There is no defense against such accusations. The male just has to suck it up and take it in the nuts. Talking or rebutting only extends the pain.

Now, I don't think it's worth disturbing the peace and harmony of a beautiful relationship.

Of course, if I get caught, I might as well say Osama's in my ass, please call the US military for a search and destroy mission cos' hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

flaminglambo said...

Oh and plenty of other fishes out there gurl. I've always had this picture of you being a hot lady in my mind.

PS: Don't tell my wife that. ;)

the witch's broo said...

Hey FLambo old friend,

So nice to see you here and dishing out a piece of your past. Thank you.

I am so pissed, am I not?

But slowly. emotions give way to sense and sensibility. at least slowly and little by little.

Damn, that I happen to always get to know things... it's not that I venture to find out.

Well...some women are just so stupid...

thanks, FL....you're really really sweet.

Take care!

Anonymous said...

hi witch, been there too. you will leave when there's nothing left to feel. no anger or disappointment or guilt or shame(for hanging on, for trying to be sensible and fair and understanding)or hatred left.trust me,you will come out calmer, wiser and stronger from these episodes.
and you're so right, never ask a man those questions. they're so glib; to lie and feign indignant is programmed in the male psyche(?? sorry too lazy to look up spelling in dic)
good luck. trust your emotional compass on this and leave only when you're ready; when you can look at him in the face and feel 'nothing'. cheers.

zewt said...

you're still with him.... right?

the witch's broo said...

anon@8:48PM: yeah....waiting for that moment. sometimes I think i'm going to have that moment...and then, nothing...the love gushes back..
thank you...

the witch's broo said...


sigh sigh sigh....as they say the heart knows reason that reason does not understand...

yeah, zewt...still going strong. surprise surprise surprise.